Red Rose

Wedding Bouquet

Wedding bouquet is not difficult to make yet most of the brides prefer to just place an order to florist. Why paying more money for such a simple thing? I'm gonna show you how to make a wedding bouquet with simple steps. Stick to flowers like roses as it is easier for you to handle the flower arrangements.

What you would need to have a beautiful wedding bouquet is : - 

30 to 60 stems of a hardy flower like the rose
Paper towels
Ribbon (in a complementary color), 1 to 2 inches wide
Rubber bands or green waxed floral tape
Stem cutter or very sharp knife
Stem stripper
Straight pins or pearl-tipped corsage pins

These are all the simple things you need to get started on your own flower bouquet.
Click here to proceed with the step-by-step process of having your DIY wedding bouquet.

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