Red Rose


Bismillahirrahmanirahim and assalamualaikum dear readers.

So, maybe one of your family members is getting married in the nearest time and you don't have a slightest idea on how to start planning for the wedding. Or, is it your own big day? Feeling excited? I bet it is more of having short breath due to nervousness rather than excited isn't it?

Worry no more.

With 5 years of experience in organizing solemnization and wedding events, I am glad to share important guides for the bride-to-be in order to have a flawless, organised, memorable, and perhaps an economical wedding.

'Bride Guides with Bunny' aim is to : -

1. Share lifestyle tips for the bride-to-be
2. Acknowledge the important preparations for the wedding
3. Advise the do's and don'ts for a bride-to-be
4. Enlighten the beauty tips and tricks for the bride
5. Inspire new ideas for DIY solemnisation and wedding arrangements