Red Rose

Choosing The Right Wedding Shoes

Choosing wedding shoes is not gonna be easy. Too many shapes, sizes, styles and colors that finding the right pair that works perfectly for the dress will be difficult decision. First thing you should know is to find a comfortable wedding shoes. You will be wearing this shoes from early morning until the last thing at night. You would most probably fall asleep with your shoes on that day. Make sure to be choosing a proper wedding shoes with additional padding to give a comfort care for your feet. Buying cheap shoes is just not tolerable for the purpose.

Consider the fabric of your shoes. Silk and satin are the most popular among brides. Having your shoes during the dress fitting is vital. This is so that the dress can be tailored to a suitable length. Place early orders for your shoe especially if it's customized.

Go for heels or stick with flats? I say, go with the one you used to wear. This is not the right time for experiment. Comfort is the major factor in choosing the perfect wedding shoes for the brides.

Okay, the best part of all. Consider yourself wearing the same shoe after the wedding? If you would wear it, then buy. You can always dye the shoes black after the day. This means that you'll get more chance of wearing it out.

Read more tips here.

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