Red Rose

Financial Planning

Marriage is a beautiful thing. If you said you are prepared to get married, do you really mean that you are prepared in every aspects including financial? Do you even have enough money to make the wedding happened. Let's not be too worried. I would like to share some tips on how you can start doing your financial planning.

Always make a list. A list will help you to sort of what's important and what's not. Making a list of thing or expenses will save yourself from spending more than you should. During these important period, you should really make a wise decision. Every penny spent is only for important things.

Next, stop buying expensive and branded things during this period. You can always do it later after gaining your financial stability. If you really need to go for shopping, wait for the sales. It will save you more bucks than what you can imagine.

DO NOT buy gadgets even if you have extreme fondness towards it. Get your head straight. What's important right now is making the wedding a success. Make sure to be cutting your expenses in monthly bills to. You can either choose the minimum package for internet or even cutting down the electricity use to save up.

Again, start saving as every penny counts. Try setting up a rules of saving a rare colored money. Since we rarely get 5 dollars for change after buying things, try implementing the rules of saving the rare colored money every time you receive them.

Learn how to earn extra money here.

All the best!

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